Raymond Russell Cheshire, born on 6th April 1898, was admitted to King Edward’s School in September 1913, and was later granted a Foundation Scholarship. He lived with his father William, a schoolmaster, his mother, Emma, and his sister, Florence, on Radford Road, Coventry.
Raymond was only at School for one year as a young boy, and so he is not once mentioned in the School magazines. However, the School Lists reveal that for his brief stay at KES, he was top of his class and won prizes for French and German in July 1914.
Raymond was a member of the Birmingham University Officer Training Corps before enlisting in the Royal Warwickshire Regiment as a Second Lieutenant in 1917. He was killed in October of that year near St Julien, and is commemorated on the Tyne Cot Memorial. The KES Service Record shows that he was buried near where he fell, on the banks of the River Strombeke.