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Birdwatching Club

As we near the end of term, the wildlife is still going strong and flourishing in the warm yet thunderous recent weather. Members of the club are still spotting wildlife, however taking pictures of them has proven difficult.

This week, Mrs Linehan told us about her brush with an impressive bird of prey: “Close encounter with a kite yesterday – he came down to take a chicken carcass from my parents’ garden. Sadly no photo, but struck by the size, speed and beauty of the bird.”

Arjun Reddy-Kolanu has also spotted this magnificent grey wagtail on the edge of his pond and has managed to get a stunning shot of it. 

This week I decided to tell you what wildlife was causing me the most angst and giving me the most pleasure. 

The animal causing me the most angst:

The mischievous squirrels who relentlessly clamber onto the bird feeders, chewing and breaking all of the feeders.

The three creatures which give me the most pleasure:

Great spotted woodpeckers – With their striking black and white plumage and flash of red, clinging to the trees and feeders, with their young. Always been a firm favourite of mine.

Goldfinches – The colourful flock is always nearby calling away. They come and take over the bird feeder for short periods of time.

Blue Tits – Always flitting between the trees and the feeders carrying food to their fledglings, feeding them small bits of seeds.

Thank you!

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