Welcome to the KESPA – the KES Parents’ Association
Aims of the King Edward’s School Parents’ Association
King Edward’s School attracts students from many different places and backgrounds and it is vital to its success that the community of the school should be seen as friendly, welcoming and supportive.
To that end, the Parents’ Association has three aims which are related to each other:
- Provide a variety of events during the course of the year that bring the parents, and members of staff, together to enjoy themselves.
- Support the school’s activities, in particular, by attending school events where there are new and prospective parents who would benefit from the opportunity to talk about the School to existing parents.
- Support financially different projects which enhance the students’ experience; for example, the provision of travel scholarships and a contribution towards the Leavers’ Book. Although some events do make a profit, fundraising is not the central purpose of the Association’s activities.
All parents of students at the school become members of King Edward’s School Parents’ Association, unless they choose otherwise, and a one-off subscription is collected through the school fee. Please feel free to come along to any of our events.
The committee is made up of volunteers from the parents and staff, who give their time to organise and plan activities. It is chaired by the Chief Master and we have an Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer. The committee enjoys the active support of the teaching and support staff.
Membership of the committee is for three years with most members taking a year of co-opted membership beforehand to find out about the level of commitment involved before deciding to stand for election at the next AGM.
The committee meets at least once a term. There may be additional meetings for groups involved in organising particular events. The expectation is that committee members will be actively involved in organising events and encouraging other parents to attend and participate.
If you would like to help with events, take part in Open Mornings, join the committee or have any other queries then please contact us or talk to a committee member at any of our events.
Each year, as students leave the school we lose active members so we always welcome new members to help with events or to join the committee.
You can contact us at: kespa@kes.org.uk.