Pastoral Support

a picture of a group of students talking in the hallway

We recognise that every boy has unique needs and approaches to learning. We are committed to providing a supportive and nurturing environment where all boys can thrive.

If a boy does need support, there are several ways in which it can be provided, and Form Tutors and Heads of Year will work closely to identify which approaches might work best for a particular student. We are proud of the strong and supportive relationships between tutors and tutees, and between home and school, that are a hallmark of a King Edward’s School education.

Maintaining good physical and mental health is central to success in all other areas of life and we provide a broad range of co-curricular activities and initiatives to support the wellbeing of boys. As well as timetabled sports and PE lessons and dedicated sports staff, students have access to fitness facilities and a superb gym, and we expect and encourage all students to look after their physical health, and teach them about why it matters (see Curriculum).

In the event of an injury or minor illness, the School First Aider is available during school hours for immediate treatment. 

students doing exercise in the gym

There are a number of mechanisms in place to support the mental health of our boys.

An introduction to mindfulness forms part of the Year 8 curriculum and Year 9 students learn techniques to stay mentally healthy, which are revisited at regular intervals throughout the school.

As part of our whole school approach to early help pupils can access our school counsellor or mental health practitioner, both of whom are based in school. Where appropriate, our mental health practitioner also works with the parents and teachers of those students. Regardless of the method, we know how important it is for our students to be able to talk to someone they trust, and to feel listened to.

a picture of three students working together

Academic support can be provided through subject help lessons led by teachers and Heads of Department; lunchtime clinics run by members of staff; and academic mentoring from senior boys. 

Teachers are also on hand to provide 1-1 support where appropriate, too.

a picture of a teacher helping a student

Where next?


Pastoral Team and Safeguarding Contact

Pastoral Curriculum

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