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Concert Parties

St. Laurence's Church of England Primary School, Northfield. A performance by visiting pupils from King Edward’s School, Birmingham, on Friday 25 November 2022.

This term saw the recommencement of our superb concert parties, featuring a selection of some of our highly talented senior Music students and a total audience size of close to 1000 children across 7 local state primary schools. The ensemble featured a variety of orchestral songs and a Q&A session from the audience, giving participating children a chance to find out more about the music and instruments. 

During the autumn term, concert party managed to bring music to nine different primary schools, all of which are densely populated with musicians talented in their craft. I enjoyed interacting with intelligent children, who asked the most intriguing questions and listened ever so attentively. The combination of instruments in the group is indeed unusual and bringing together different families of the orchestra which do not usually belong is an experience unique to our school’s music outreach and makes us special.”
Nehemiah, Sixths

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