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Societies in focus

KES Sustainability Society

For the first time in history, KES has a Sustainability Society. We had our first Zoom meeting in April to come up with strategies to make our club useful and interesting for the school community. There have been a range of innovative ideas. One such idea was to organise a ‘Sustainability in Action’ competition for the whole school. The basic principle is that teams of pupils come up with a project to improve the sustainability of our school, then pitch the idea to a Dragons’ Den of prefects, staff, governors and senior management. The best idea is chosen after several rounds and the winning project is carried out. 

Pranav Gajula

Geography Society

Geography Society continues to flourish in this period of lockdown and hopes to fill the new void of extra-curricular time that students possess. Throughout this term, I will be looking to arrange a series of engaging talks, discussions and interactive activities for our school community. 

This society is for anyone interested in the subject of geography and the range of social and physical dynamics that it encompasses. Studying geography is not a prerequisite, however, as a lot of engagement will be with issues that transcend any single academic discipline and touch upon current world affairs. 

Having already discussed globalisation, there are plans to consider the topics of migration, climate change, and the impact of digitalisation on our carbon footprint in the next term. Alongside this, there will hopefully be some opportunities to test your knowledge of world geography against fellow students.

The Society will be organised through Google Classroom. For those of you that are interested, the code can be found on the appropriate Firefly page. We hope to host a virtual event every fortnight at 4.10pm on a Monday evening.

Louis Bowker

KES now has 33 societies and clubs up and running remotely. Students are encouraged to explore the opportunities available by visiting Firefly.

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