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Sustainability Network

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In April, the KES School Council was due to join school councils from all 11 King Edward VI schools in Birmingham to draft a Sustainability Policy to present to Heath Monk, the Executive Director of the KEVI Foundation. The councils planned to combine pupil voices across all 11 schools to make radical changes across the whole of Birmingham – the first city in the world to announce a 2030 Net Zero Carbon Plan to tackle the climate emergency, and do it justly, especially benefitting the most vulnerable people in our communities. Although this school council meeting is now scheduled for next term, a Schools of King Edward VI Sustainability Network is now growing, uniting staff and pupils across the schools with discussion on how to come out of lockdown in a way that will solve the even bigger issue of climate emergency, in ways we’ve heard about from Hay Festival speakers this week… watch this space!

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On Thursday 4 July, eight Upper Middle pupils from KES and 31 Lower Fourths from KEHS set off from Birmingham airport to spend five days exploring the beautiful Rhineland area of Germany.

Holi 2024

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Embracing Poetic Partnership

Earlier this year, Mukwashi Trust School in Zambia asked Mrs Babb, Dr Brown and Mrs Stokes to judge a poetry competition their school held to mark World Poetry Day on March 21st.

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