This period in our lives has been one of great uncertainty. However, through the ‘Creativity, Action, Service’ sessions which have been introduced into our distance learning curriculum, I have taken this opportunity to try new things and make a bigger impact on my community with my actions.
Inspired by the suggestions put forward in the Creativity, Action and Service during School Closure document produced by the school, I have made NHS rainbows for my local hospitals. I have also been taking part in the weekly ‘Clap for our Carers’, going from simply clapping in the first week to bringing out my whole drum kit most recently! These were two great ways to commend the efforts of those working on the front line. I felt it important to boost the morale of the key workers and others struggling through difficult times. Be sure to make some noise in your area – Thursdays 8pm!
Additionally, I recognised that I could provide a service to my peers who are confined to their homes. Since I know several of my friends are football fans, I created a Premier League trivia-style quiz for them to have a go at. They enjoyed the competitive element of the quiz and it helped to bring lots of people together whilst keeping boredom at bay!
Furthermore, I have tried to put current events into perspective by looking at the wider global picture. Prompted by the same CAS document, I chose to research Amnesty International further. I discovered that what the organisation does is of great importance – fighting for human rights globally. As a result, I signed some petitions, such as one for the protection of refugees in the Greek Islands. Additionally, I took the advice to enrol on a sign language course (BSL) and have enjoyed making progress over the last couple of weeks. It is an excellent idea for anyone looking to develop a long-term skill, plus, a challenge! Finally, I have been trying to keep fit and healthy during a time which can lead to a sedentary lifestyle – my focus at the moment is on the 2.6 Challenge.
If you liked the sound of what Ronav has been up to then please take a moment to read through the KES Creativity, Action and Service during School Closure document which can be found on Firefly.