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Boys celebrate excellent GCSE results

a picture of three students with their GCSE results

Boys are celebrating after achieving excellent GCSE results.

Out of a year group of 119, 22 boys achieved 10 A*s, a further 25 achieved 9 A*s and 72 boys achieved only A*s and As. Overall, the percentage of A* grades attained was 66% and 88% A*/A.

This news follows the record-breaking International Baccalaureate Diploma results achieved by boys at the School this year, with an average score of 39.3 points and 47% of the cohort attaining scores of 40 points or above: 40 points is the equivalent of more than four A*s at A-level.

John Claughton, Chief Master, said: “I am delighted with the results that boys have achieved this year. This is the third exceptional year at GCSE with an average over the three years of close to 70% A* and 90% A*/A.

Pics of pupils at The King Edwards school in Edgbaston,Birmingham get their GCSE results.Umar Malik 9 A stars and an A pictured with proud mom Rahila.

“The boys at King Edward’s School lead exceptionally rich lives and many are involved in a diversity of extra-curricular activities, with many of the best performers having also been involved in hockey and water polo national finals. It is a testament to the tenacity of the boys that they are active in any number of ways in school life and also achieve the highest results.

“These results top off a fantastic year for the School after receiving record International Baccalaureate Diploma results a few weeks ago, which resulted in over 90% of boys gaining places at their first choice of university. At King Edward’s, we have committed ourselves to an independent and rigorous education – with all boys in the Sixth Form taking the IB Diploma rather than A-levels and almost all of our GCSEs being IGCSEs. We provide a different and truly challenging education and believe that it is paying dividends for the School and the boys.”

Pics of pupils at The King Edwards school in Edgbaston,Birmingham get their GCSE results.L/r Will Handy,Hamza Ajaib,Johnny Day,Nasser Khattak,Snimr Sandhu,Tom Fenemore and Herbie Harris.

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