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Elements magazine

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In these unprecedented times, where everything seems to be online and we are unable to involve ourselves practically within science, we thought that we must find a way to expand our theoretical capacities, away from the labs. Therefore, Akshay and I, with the help of Dr Arico, founded a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) magazine, called Elements

Elements is a school magazine, which we hope will unite the collective STEM passions of pupils at KES, allowing them to explore considerably beyond the syllabi in a way that was not possible previously. We hope to put together an issue every two to three weeks with contributions from students from all years. If you would be interested in writing an article for anything STEM-related that you have a passion for, join our Google Classroom. Alternatively, get in contact with the team via email at, or follow our Instagram account.

Our first issue is now available to read on the school website.

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