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KES Sustainability Dragons’ Den Competition

a picture of two feet in the sand

[This week’s articles on sustainability produced 4 kg of CO2 to collaborate on and email out, so make the most of them.]

450 years of school history and there has never been a time like this. No other pupil in the past has had the opportunity to propose such far-reaching changes to how we run KES. Here’s a chance for all of you to get actively involved in taking KES into its next 500 years…

KES and KEHS Sustainability Society brings you the Sustainability Dragons’ Den. This competition is set to take place in October 2020, as part of 2020 Sustainability Week. The objective is to plan and present a sustainability proposal for the Chief Master that will in some way make the school more sustainable – reducing our carbon footprint, wastage, water and/or energy use. 

It is open to every year group and every single student. A persuasive team might consist of about four pupils from different year groups: we all have a responsibility to bring about a change for the betterment of our local and global community. The winning teams will take their bids to the school’s leadership team to persuade them to put their plans into action. We urge all of you to get involved and start thinking about your teams and projects over the summer holiday.  

More details to follow in September.

Sustainability Week 5 October 2020

Learn – Measure – Reduce – Inspire – Repeat

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