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King Edward’s School in national top 30 for sport

King Edward’s School in national top 30 for sport

We are absolutely delighted to share that King Edward’s School, Birmingham has been ranked in the top 30 schools for sport in England. At 26th in the list, King Edward’s is the only Birmingham school in the top 30. 

School Sport Magazine compiled a list of the top 200 sporting schools, based on results data from more than 4,000 schools. The annual list is based on performance in 20 different sports and more than 120 different national competitions. Throughout the year, PE departments share their fixtures and scores with School Sport Magazine which are tallied up to generate the top 200 list. 

Phil Tusler, publishing editor of School Sport Magazine, said: “This has been a remarkable year for competitive sport in schools. The list unashamedly reflects and celebrates competitive achievement in a range of sports and honours those schools that take competition especially seriously.”

In 2022, KES enjoyed a number of sporting successes from the U14 squash team winning the English Schools’ Plate Competition and U14 tennis team coming 4th in the National Schools’ Competition to cricketing success – being named as one of the UK’s top 100 senior schools for cricket and winning the XL club award as the best West Midlands School. 

Chris Johnson, KES Director of Sport, said: “To be in the top 30 best sporting schools across the country is a huge achievement. Our sports programme is an integral part of life at King Edward’s and we aim to give our boys every opportunity to help reach their full potential. I am incredibly proud of all the pupils who have taken part in fixtures over the last year as well as our dedicated teachers and coaching team.”

School Sport Magazine, the only publication in the UK that celebrates sporting achievement in schools, will be celebrating its 20th anniversary next year. Further information can be accessed via  

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