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Outreach Success With Author Visit

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Popular author Pete Johnson holds Year 5 and 6 pupils from 20 local junior schools spellbound in the Ruddock Hall. This annual event sees over 250 pupils come to KES to meet well known authors and find out how to write a great story

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Exploring Rhineland

On Thursday 4 July, eight Upper Middle pupils from KES and 31 Lower Fourths from KEHS set off from Birmingham airport to spend five days exploring the beautiful Rhineland area of Germany.

Holi 2024

On the 21st of June, the KES/KEHS Hindu forum organised and hosted a Holi event at Eastern Road.

Embracing Poetic Partnership

Earlier this year, Mukwashi Trust School in Zambia asked Mrs Babb, Dr Brown and Mrs Stokes to judge a poetry competition their school held to mark World Poetry Day on March 21st.

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