Music plays a central role in school life at King Edward’s School and King Edward VI High School of Girls.
Each year a selection of our musicians visit primary schools to perform to audiences ranging in size from 40 to 700 children.
Find out more about our music programmes available to primary schools.
Concert Party
Concert Party takes some of our best musicians to primary schools throughout the city on Friday afternoons, giving a short concert at each. The group talk about their instruments, show the children how they work and what is possible, and then perform, separately and together.
A number of dates are available for the 2023/24 autumn and spring terms, which you can register your interest below.
Concert Party - register your interest
“We just wanted to say thank you so much for the wonderful concert last Friday. Our children loved it and have been really inspired by the boys who came and played for them. They were so talented and confident – an absolute credit to your school.”
Primary School Teacher
Swing Band Tour
The KES and KEHS Senior Swing Band will be out on tour to celebrate the Christmas festivities and again in the summer term!
Some of our senior musicians will visit three local primary schools over the course of a day. The band will perform some outstanding pieces. Past performances have included classics from the Mission: Impossible and Spider-Man films, and children will have the opportunity to find out more about the instruments used and the jazz musical genre.
To reserve a place for your school, please contact the Partnerships team:
Please note that distance will be taken into consideration for the timetable of the day.
This is our Voice
This is our Voice is a captivating musical project designed for primary school music teachers and their class, which leads up to a mesmerising performance at the Ruddock Performing Arts Centre.
To find out more about participating, please contact the Partnerships team: