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A word from Vince House

In any normal year I would be looking forward to welcoming staff and boys into the beautiful gardens of Vince House to celebrate another wonderful year and to wish leavers well on their journey from KES. This year I look out to the South Field to see the flowers blooming and the manicured lawns a beautiful dark green and it doesn’t seem right that they are unused and empty. A short walk up to South Terrace to find the Divisions working on their IB science investigations reassures me that this quiet and peaceful place is soon to return to its normal bustling self.

The relaxation of social distancing coincides nicely with the final day of term. Boys will be online celebrating their achievements with peers and staff and we will recognise the efforts of boys who have graced the digital pages of KES Community as they have found creative ways to learn, stay active, have fun and to serve their community. 

In these pages you will read about the success of the inaugural Race across Europe House challenge; the KES Virtual Pentathlon instead of the annual sports day this week; and the lower school Football Montage campaign, initiated by the School Council. A highlight of this week’s enrichment programme was a talk by Professor Steven L. Isenberg, political journalist, and Jeh Johnson, the former US Secretary of Homeland Security on the Black Lives Matter movement. It was electrifying to hear questions and answers from over 150 attendees fly back and forth across the Atlantic.

The period of school closure may come to an end this week but it signals the beginning of the next chapter for our boys.

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German Exchange trip to Hamburg

Early on Sunday the 7th of April, 7 boys and 15 girls from KEHS set off to take part in the annual German exchange with the Gymnasium Oldenfelde in Rahlstedt, Hamburg.

National Careers Week

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