Clef Club is a fantastic opportunity for students of all musical abilities to compose music. Since the start of the first lockdown, Clef Club has been held online, as it is a wonderful way to socialise, share and create music with our fellow Clef Club members during a period of isolation. I have immensely enjoyed listening to all of the different compositions from everyone in Clef Club, as well as exposing myself to a variety of musical styles.
Last Friday (at the time of writing) was Chinese New Year, and as I am sure you’re aware, many Chinese celebrations this year have been dampened by the pandemic. Therefore, I decided to host a special Chinese themed Clef Club last Monday online and it was amazingly successful. We found out about the basics behind Chinese music, some of the instruments involved, the story of Liangzhu and listened to the piece (it is also known as The Butterfly Lovers), as well as learning about Chinese New Year.
Afterwards, I did a recording of the music and the presentation.